Love Made These Meals Cookbook: Recipes Donated by Co-workers, Friends, and Family of Robin and Henry Randolph (undated) (location unknown)

This a full 8.5 × 11 inches spiral bound book. There is no date, location, or details in the book. My guess it is was a homemade book (hence the use of standard computer or typewriter-sized paper) and used as a fundraiser for a specific member of the community, most likely Robin and Henry Randolph. This was in a box of mixed cookbooks I won in an estate auction. The books were from a fairly wide variety of locations so no clues there. There is an acknowledgments page, in the beginning, thanking the contributors by Susan Hewett Rutter.

I literally got zero results when trying to google their names and “fundraiser” or “cookbook” and nothing concrete came up just looking them up their names. I did find who I think must be the correct Susan Hewett Rutter (that is a fairly distinctive name!) on social media but no clues about the book.
A small mystery! If anyone reading this has any ideas, let me know!
I thought it was a good example of how anyone can make a cookbook as a community. It is a fairly substantial cookbook and includes named contributors and dishes ranging from tomato pie with slices of fresh tomato and cheddar, sour cream blueberry pancakes, and a lot of quick and easy meals.