Our Favorite Recipes Sponsored by the Soroptimist Club of Salisbury, Maryland 1965

This club is still in existence today. From their site “Soroptimist is a global women’s organization whose members volunteer to improve the lives of women and girls through programs leading to social and economic empowerment.”
This is a large-scale cookbook for a spiral-bound community book, it is a full 8.5 × 11 inches vs the usual half-page size. Despite the size, there are not many recipes in the book.

It is mostly filler consisting of spice lists and tips that are similar if not identical to pages found in the front and back of a lot of community cookbooks. Emergency number list (including the FBI!) and calenders from literally 1800 to 2050. Many, many ads. The original price is $2.95 was crossed out and replaced with $1.95. If I had not seen the price I might have guessed it was a free giveaway cookbook and not a fundraiser for the organization.

The recipes include regional favorites like Maryland beaten biscuits, sauerkraut soup, and recipes for raccoon (!?) and wild duck.

No real illustrations but the contributors are named.