Recipes & Remembrances compiled by the Howard County Center of African American Culture 2020

This is an unusual book in that most of the recipes in the book were contributed by men. While it isn’t completely unheard of for men contribute to community cookbooks, the contributors are overwhelming women.
This book came out in 2020 during the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic and the foreword states that in the year of the “new normal” they wanted to share recipes, memories and photographs of previous years’ in-person Men in the Kitchen fundraising events.
The book includes about 75 recipes for everything from 7up Cake to Creole Filé Gumbo by largely named contributors. Few illustrations but some recipes include color photos of the final dish.
The book also has some ads for local businesses and color photos of 25 years of their Men in the Kitchen event.
The group was founded in 1987 by the late Mrs. Wylene Sims Burch and is still active. From their website “HCCAAC curates a rich treasure trove historical artifacts, memorabilia and other resources, that tell the incredible story of the African American experience and contributions in Howard County and throught the state of Maryand with strong ties back to the African Diaspora.”