K2 Potluck Cookbook: The K2 Corporation Cookbook compiled from the kitchens of K2 employees 1983

This was part of a lot of Vashon Island community cookbooks I bought on eBay. There are very little details about this book–it didn’t even mention Vashon anywhere– but I did a search and found that
“The origins of the K2 Corporation are fairly modest. This Vashon Island-based company was first known as Kirschner Manufacturing and began as a manufacturer of high-quality research cages in the business boom that took place right after World War II. In 1961, however, founder Bill Kirschner manufactured a pair of fiberglass skis that eventually revolutionized the business’s focus and launched a brand.” on the official Vashon site
Inside there was a loose photocopied recipe for Delicious Apple Crisp.

I don’t know if was sold or if so, where the money went. It might have been an internal gift of some kind. It was illustrated by Christine Schoenberg. The illustrations are simple but charming and occasionally wrap around the recipe or ingredients list.

The book is a usual square size, just slightly bigger than the typical community cookbook size but not full sized.

The recipes don’t have a ton of details or headnotes but overall they are pretty clearly written and everyone is credited in the recipe’s title. The usual range of casseroles, desserts and baked goods.