Encyclopædia Eatannica complied by Seattle Public Library Staff Association 1979 (illustrated by Kristie Sherrodd)
It isn’t clear what sales from the book benefited, I would think either the library, the staff association itself would be the obvious choice.
I love a punny title. As the title suggests, this is a cute book–the illustrations are simple but charming and appear on the cover, section dividers, and scattered among the recipes. I was thinking they might take the encyclopedia theme a little further than they did–maybe include some food facts?–but they didn’t.
Good variety of recipes from Cindy Brennan’s Balkan Yogurt Cake to Lanne Larrimore’s Twin Popeye Omelets to Vicki Takemoto’s Orange Glazed Corned Beef.

I think there was some subtle, unnamed unacknowledged grouping going on in the recipes, I noticed a tiny thread between some. For example, recipes for Taco Casserole, Enchiladas, and Tamale Pie appear one after another and then later in the chapter, we have a run of quiche and then bean recipes.
No headnotes or helpful hints (which I expected, Encyclopædia Eatannica!) but a few recipes have little notes in the directions like Marilyn Ring’s Choco-Sesame Crunch Bars and (the tiny chocolate chips work best for all of this!) and Laurie Hamilton’s Lots-o-Brownies and BE CAREFUL NOT TO ADD TOO MUCH OR YOU WILL HAVE FUDGE.

A few recipes like the Lemon Bars have a long list of names who contributed the recipe. Are they a family? Did several people share the exact same recipe? They don’t share a last name. A mystery!

My copy has a few notes—the original owner completely reworked some muffin recipes.