Entertaining the Louisville Way complied by The Queen’s Daughters, Incorporated, Louisville, Kentucky 1969 Proceeds to go to Our Lady’s Home for Infants.
The forward tells the story of the Catholic organization Queen’s Daughters of Louisville starting in February 1915 (and the Junior Circle of the Queen’s Daughters in April 1915) as a group aimed at relief and welfare. Then in 1924, their attention turned to that of the home they opened, Our Lady’s Home for Infants, which cared for infants until adoption or during times of family struggle.
They also did other things like make surgical dressings, visit the aged and mend clothes. They are still in existence today but seem to have gotten out of the adoption business while still focusing on children.

My copy was much loved by the previous owner, they marked up some recipes and actually wrote notes in the blank spaces so many of the cookbooks leave for notes or additional recipes.

The recipes are not all credited to anyone which I also find disappointing and a little odd. Who contributed the unnamed recipes??

They do credit Mrs. Edward C. Shrader with the artwork which appears throughout the book–largely drawings of what appears to be Louisville landmarks and famous people but are unlabeled.

There was the usual range of recipes and in the front some mock menus with themes from American-Chinese Supper (chow mein, tomato aspic) to Teen’s Cool Supper (sloppy joes, jellied coleslaw).

The recipes do seem to have a bit of bent towards entertaining (a lot of punch, appetizers) but oddly not as many regional Kentucky recipes at this book from Indiana.