Fireman’s Flames compiled by Midlothian Ladies Auxiliary to the Midlothian Volunteer Fire Department, Midlothian, Texas 1979
There is a lot of generic filler material at the start of the cookbook and a lot of local ads. The recipes all have the contributors’ names attached.

This is another cookbook where I wonder if they told people to contribute the shortest recipes possible or did everyone in the ladies’ auxiliary only use recipes with few ingredients and very short instructions? Some are barely more than lists.

There are some interesting recipes in here. Elaine Tarin’s Egg Dip is sort of like a deviled egg in dip form plus liquid smoke. Ruth Fleming contributed a recipe for Peanut Bisque. Lana Dunlap’s Kalber Baelleli (Meat Balls) has pork, a lot of cream, and cream of celery soup. I can’t find any other recipes with that same name anywhere online so I wish there was a headnote or tip of some kind!
A few, like Wilma Gist’s Crazy Cake do have some tips–she tells you not to grease the pan and not to use a mixer which is helpful. Colleen Morrison’s Pistachio Delight helpfully tells you to set out the ice cream to melt before making the rest of the dessert.

Marie Foster contributed a recipe with I think one of the best names I’ve seen so far— Great Caesar’s Toast!