Generals’ Row Cookbook Offutt Air Force Base compiled by the Ladies of Generals’ Row Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska in association with the Offutt Officers’ Wives’ Club 1979

There are some illustrations throughout the book of locations on base with a brief description. The contributors are all named and their connection to the base is also listed.

Some of the recipes are very brief–Mrs Robert H. Storz, Omaha, Nebraska’s Chutney, Cheese, and Ham Sandwiches is literally that but many are more detailed. Some, like Mrs. Sherman F. Martin, Quarters 1, 1966-1970’s Coffee Stix which contain no coffee and are made of toast and peanut butter and somehow keep “crisp and delicious indefinitely”–they are literally dried bread “stix” rolled in peanut butter with additional sugar and oil stirred in and then rolled in bread crumbs.

There are some recipes for ingredients like tongue that I don’t often see.
Some of the recipes have little notes hidden in the directions–Mrs. Roman L. Hruska, Omaha, Nebraska’s recipe for Roman’s Oatmeal Cookies shares that Senator Hruska’s mother made this recipe when her children were ill because it was inexpensive and nutritious and the children could help roll out the dough.