Revised Souvenir Recipe Book Nov. 1979 complied by St. Luke’s Presbyterian Church and the Evening Branch Women’s Association, Vereeniging 1979 (Vereeniging, South Africa)
Apparently, their book in 1975 was such a hit they felt the need to put out a revised edition only four years later.

Surprisingly there are no illustrations beyond Carol van der Heever’s distinctive cover but there are some local ads.

The contributors are all named and there are some pithy or prayer-like quotations throughout.

Lots of regional recipes like milk tart which I think would have made the book a good souvenir if you were traveling in the area.

Many, many desserts and sweets recipes. There is a Tarts, Pastry and Biscuits chapter, a Puddings chapter, a Scones, Buns and Bread chapter with sweet bread, a large Cake chapter, and a Sweets chapter with candy .

Pizza is subtitled Italian tart which was interesting since there was a Pizza Beef recipe in the same chapter. Maybe pizza was still exotic in some circles?