Swap Around Recipes collected by members of the Delmarva Square Dance Federation (undated). The Delmarva refers to DElaware, MARyland, and VirginiA, and more specifically, all of tiny Delaware, the Eastern Shore of Maryland, and the part of Virginia between the Chesapeake Bay and the Atlantic Ocean.
They helpfully included a map on the back cover–I think the symbols on the map must stand for where they meet.

I think the square dancers must have been characters-there is a note in the front asking that if you find a mistake to consider perhaps that the mistake was there on purpose because it was supposed to be a book for everyone which includes people who are always looking for mistakes.

In keeping with their regional theme there is a whole chapter of Delmarva Seafood recipes. Many oyster recipes from stew to fried and even curried and quite a lot of crab.

Surprisingly the recipes are not attributed to the individual except for a few exceptions whose names appeared with some sort of named affiliation. I’d love to know who they are. Dancers from rival groups? Frances Young, Ocean Waves contributed Chicken Rice Rodger, Audrey Hodge, Diamond State Twirlers contributed “Chicken Dish”, Betty Mason, Shore Squares contributed Old Fashioned Fudge and Mary Toole, Pepper Steppers shared her recipe for Cheesecake Diamonds among a handful of others but they make up a small portion of the book. They thank the members of the DSDF members for their recipes so I can assume the rest are from them but its unusual for their names not to be included in anyway.

The recipes seem geared toward parties, dozens of punch recipes are present.

Many desserts and sweet breads.

There is also a section at the end of the book of Arts and Crafts recipes that they puzzlingly say “has been ‘borrowed’ from a recipe book prepared by the Parent Teacher Action Community, Infant Toddler Children’s Center, Acton, Massachusetts with thanks and gratitude.”. This seems odd to me–why did they feel like they needed arts and crafts recipes? Why did they “borrow” the recipes from a group across the country”? Did they need filler? Was it something offered by the publisher like the generic kitchen tips?
There is a section of chocolate recipes that aren’t desserts.