Tempting Delights from the Garden of Eat’n compiled by Martin Luther Church (Milwaukee, Wisconsin) 1979
There are some cookbooks with a title that makes you think, why did it take so long for someone to come up with this? Why aren’t all church cookbooks called this?

This book has the usual suspects–apple cake, quiche, dodgy casseroles, and also an “ethnic” section which is always intriguing. This time it includes a surprising amount of Armenian recipes contributed by Alice Chanian, pages and pages of them including Meat Stuffed Apples, Rice Pilaf with Cabbage, Bean Salad, Yogurt Coffee Cake, and Tomatoes with Eggs. Renate Schalk contributed a number of German recipes including Kaisergulasch, Koenigsberger Klopse, and Liber Knoedel. She also contributed Serbian Bean Soup. Marilyn Solie contributed Scandinavian Meatballs which she says can be served as an appetizer with a mixture of barbecue sauce and currant jelly.
There is a “low calorie” section in each chapter. The 1970s really were all in on the diet foods.

The recipes all have named contributors and there are some line drawings that might be bespoke? It’s hard to tell sometimes but I haven’t seen them before. There are some quippy little quotes between some of the recipes–“Gossip is like a balloon–it grows bigger with every puff”.