Pro-Kids Potluck compiled by PRO-Kids, Inc of Charleston, West Virginia (best guess, 1996 or 1997, there are several references to 1996 in the book from a conference to a response from a senator about their request for a recipe)
The book opens thanking people who helped and explaining that the volunteer-based PRO-Kids, Inc offers “at risk” elementary school students in the East End of Charleston, West Virginia afterschool tutoring and enrichment.
The contributors of the recipes are all named and their connection to the program is listed such as mom, supporter, or former director.

The book has illustrations on the section dividers drawn by children in the program that are credited to them.

The recipes are pretty typical fare but there is a section of recipes from the children that comes with a warning:

And the recipes are cute. Natalie’s meatloaf sounds bland but she clearly has been paying attention. She calls for hamburger meat, spring onions and ketchup, to wash your hands before you mix it up and that you bake it in the oven for 1 hour at 350. That might even be the meatloaf on that divider above!
Other recipes are more of the “at your own risk” variety.

There is a recipe for Croquet-Monsieur in French by Marylee Wilson, volunteer and former French teacher and a note that she put on a yearly “French Day” party for the children.
At the end there is a chapter of recipes from politicians and a letter from Senator Robert C. Byrd thanking them for asking for a recipe and that he is sending them a booklet of recipes they can include in the cookbook. Newt Gingrich (speaker of the house at the time) contributed Newt’s Fruit, a recipe from his mother-in-law. Other politicians and local leaders contributed recipes as well.
There is also a chapter for recipes from “the Pros” which were contributed by restaurants around Charleston including Chicken Marsala from the local Olive Garden.
It really is a fun cookbook; it is clear a ton of thought and effort went into making it.

I updated and adapted Irene Galloway’s Easter Eggs recipe from this book.