The Horatio Street Festival of Foods Cookbook, Greenwich Village, New York City compiled by The Horatio Street Association “concerned neighbors dedicated to the safety, beautification, and preservation of our street” 1978
I actually have another cookbook by this same association that came out in the 1980s. No recipe repeats that I noticed. I was hoping maybe this was a festival cookbook but it was just a collection of recipes.
That said, it did have a very deliberate international bent to it. Lebanese recipes, Greek recipes, Italian, Irish, Romanian, and Belgian were all included along with the usual “American” Barbecue Meatballs (Margaret Harrison) and Marilyn Weiss’ Cold Sliced Meat Loaf.

Some of the recipes came from local restaurants and businesses, some were from unnamed contributors and some were from named contributors.
A few recipes included some helpful hints–like don’t use butter because it browns too quickly. I always appreciate that!

Really a good variety of recipes.

One recipe was very chatty and casual which I always enjoy! You have time to make the bed during this one.

No real illustrations and a lot of stock tips at the beginning that I’ve seen in many cookbooks before.
I adapted and updated Joan Smyth’s recipe for Yogurt Pound Cake from this book.
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