How to Cook Reagan’s Goose: A Political Cookbook Serving Up Democratic Delectables & Republican Inedibles complied by The Woman’s National Democratic Club 1984
This is an interesting cookbook! There are a lot of named recipe contributions from famous Democrats (including ones in office at the time of publication), many drawings skewering Reagan, and quotes about how horrible he is. Contributors include Senator and Mrs Paul Sarbanes (Shortbread), Senator Gary Hart (Denver Chocolate Sheet Cake), Leonard Bernstein (Lemon Mousse), Paul Newman (Marinated Steak), The Reverend Jesse Jackson (Sweet Potato Pie).

From the forward– “HOW TO COOK REAGAN’S GOOSE is a political cookbook with a positive political mission – to move Republicans and their unappetizing programs out of the national kitchen. It offers nutritious food for gourmet dining pleasure accompanied by tidbits for political thought and action.”

It appears that the proceeds from the sale of the book went to the Woman’s National Democratic Club which published the book which is still based out of Washington DC.

The recipes are a mix of regional dishes like Buffalo Boudies by Governor Richard D. Lamm (Colorado) cocktails, and desserts.