Keys to the Kitchen compiled by Saint Peter’s Catholic Church, Olney, Md. 1980 in commemoration of 50 years of family use of the church.
Oddly some of the titles in the history of the church at the beginning of the book and on the acknowledgments page have whiteout tape (?) over them. I’m not sure why. Possibly someone was just practicing whiting things out?
The acknowledgments page includes an apology for people whose recipes did not make the cut which I’m always curious about. They said it was due to a lack of space.

The art and design is credited to Rosemary McHugh who also did the illustrations that appear on some of the pages and on the dividers. She was also co-cookbook chairperson with Connie Newett.

Lots of interesting cookie recipes from Candy Cane Cookies to Butterscotch Spice Cookies and Coconut Crunchies Cookies. Some candy and drink recipes and one recipe for frozen sandwiches that calls for chipped ham, hot dog buns, chili sauce, and hard-boiled eggs among other ingredients that is mixed together and frozen for an unknown period of time prior to baking.