5th edition 1972
Tag: Maryland
Individual Lemon Ice Box “Pies”
Adapted and updated from Mrs. Harry C. Michael’s Lemon Ice Box Pie appearing in The Woman’s Auxiliary of the Rosewood State Training School Maryland’s Famous Receipts. Owings Mills, MD. 1952
Roulade with Rapini and Mushrooms
Adapted and updated from Mrs. Morton (Edyth) Malin’s Beef Roulades from Sisterhood of Temple Shalom Treasures From our Tables (date unknown)
Lemon Chiffon Cake
Adapted and updated from Pat Cahili’s Orange Rum Chiffon Cake in Loyola Mother’s Club Loyola Recipes. 1974
Little Orleans Volunteer Fire Company Cookbook
Little Orleans Cookbook
The Cook’s Book 3 complied by the Miriam Lodge
The Cook’s Book 3 complied by the Miriam Lodge. Undated but includes a calendar page featuring the years 1987, 1988 and 1989 so most likely published in 1987. The Miriam Lodge, K.S.B. was founded 1873 in Baltimore, Maryland, and is still in existence today. There is a nice timeline on their website that outlines their…
We Cook and Tell compiled by the Woman’s Club of Glenhill
We Cook and Tell compiled by the Woman’s Club of Glenhill November 1966