Family Fixins’ recipes submitted by Family Housing Residents during Fall Quarter 1976 (location unknown)
This actually the second similarly titled book I have from what I think must be the same place and organization. The other was Family Fixin’s (1979) which I won on eBay. I was actually sent this book from the seller first. When we realized the mistake they told me to keep it and then sent the 1979 edition to me. They both are from unknown locations, have typewritten with hand-drawn illustrations, and from family housing. The recipes are credited to the residents and include their room (apartment?) numbers. Being sold from the same eBay seller isn’t always a clue but in this case I think it might be–it probably was from the collection of the same owner or from the region the seller lives in. What are the chances of two identically titled (grammar aside) cookbooks from family housing not being related?

For this book, they chose to type up the recipes horizontally which is unusual but worked well, especially for recipes that had two parts like a cake and icing. Overall the book was a little haphazardly put together, some pages didn’t face each other and the entire book swapped directions midway.

There are some helpful hints about cooking conversions and flavors typed out and some “recipes” for homemade play dough, a craft, and growing sprouts.